Announcement of Wednesday Night Team Tennis League
Post date: Aug 09, 2012 4:0:22 PM
I just wanted to confirm that we will be holding a Coed Team Tennis Fall League. We are scheduled to begin play Wednesday Sept. 5 after Labor Day. Please click the sidebar link to view and download the entry form. We still have openings so if you know of anyone that might like to try a different format from the other leagues, please have them email me to sign up. I'm also looking for people to serve as team captains with the perk of getting to choose who they will be playing with.
Henri Uehara
Stillwater Tennis Association
Previous email to STA members ---
I'm sending out this email to see if you would be interested in participating in a Coed Team Tennis league to be held on Wednesday nights starting in September. Details are still to be worked out but the following will give you some idea of what is being considered.
1) The team tennis league will consist of either 4 or 6 teams of 8 players per team.
2) Each team will play every other team twice during the season which will last between 7 to 10 weeks most likely starting the week after Labor Day.
3) Each team will field a lineup of 4 doubles teams ranked from 1 to 4 to be paired up against the corresponding doubles teams from the opposing team.
4) Each team will have a team captain responsible for submitting a lineup prior to start of play.
5) To level the playing field for all teams, players will be placed into the pre-season pool of players to be drafted by the team captains.
6) A pool of substitutes will be available to select from in the event a team is short a player on a given night.
7) Captains will attempt to match the skill level of the player being replaced when selecting a substitute.
8) All teams will play on the same night in parallel.
9) Play will start at 6:30pm with a team playing either one or two of their 4 matches to start the night.
10) The number of games/set/scoring for each doubles match will be decided after determining the number of teams in the league. Each match should typically take between 1 to 1 1/2 hours to complete.
Finally we need a minimum of 32 players with additional subs to sign up for team tennis league night to be held. Please email me if you have any interest in participating and whether you would like to be a captain.
Have a great August and see you out on the courts,
Henri Uehara
Stillwater Tennis Association